Interested in selling Hardy Facepaint in your store?
When you order through us the following conditions apply.
1. Minimums: $150
2. Shipping: orders will be shipped via USPS, UPS, or FedEx. All wholesale online orders are subject to additional shipping charges following review and processing. International and domestic wholesale orders can be subject to additional shipping charges following processing of online wholesale orders. Wholesale online purchases are not eligible for free shipping promotions. Additional shipping charges may apply.
3. Coupon codes for our direct to consumer eCommerce customers are not valid on wholesale orders. If you use an unauthorized coupon, your account will be billed. Your credit card on file will be billed at the time of processing.
4. Placing a wholesale order confirms your understanding of the above.
We are committed to the highest quality of customer service. Positive, personal interactions are the foundation Hardy Facepaint's long-term business relationships are built upon.
Thank you for your support and interest.
To become a retailer contact us at