Hardy Facepaint is THE face paint for hunters. Welcome to the Hardy Facepaint comeback.

We can tell you about the ingredients that make Hardy Facepaint different. And we will. We can tell you how applying & removing Hardy Facepaint is better. And we will.

But simply, if you’re tired of wearing greasy face paint that smears and is hard to remove, Hardy Facepaint is the solution to your problems. And there’s no denying it.

Hardy Facepaint was created when a Kansas bowhunting big buck encounter ended with a facemask catching on the release. There was nothing to do in the situation except draw down and watch the buck of a lifetime walk away. Determined to make sure this never happened again, every face paint product on the market was tried. And they all ended up feeling greasy, messy, and itchy. Some smelled like crayons, and if you’re not scent free on a hunt, well, we know how that hunt ends…

What about facemasks? They at least keep hunters from using harsh and irritating face paints. Well, when they’re not riding up on your face and hindering your shooting…

Enter Hardy Facepaint. Made with high quality ingredients. Effective. Safe. Gentle. Easy to apply and remove. Scent free. No detail unconsidered. If you could dream up a hunter’s perfect face paint, Hardy Facepaint is exactly that.

Formulated with FDA approved ingredients, Hardy Facepaint is water-based and lightweight, yet effective, breathable, and durable. The non-comedogenic formula can be applied easily and smoothly with no mess using the wand or fingertips. Remove it simply with a moist towel or skin care wipe – no scrubbing or harsh removal agents required.

Designed by hunters, for hunters. There is truly no face paint on the market, like Hardy Facepaint. GET YOUR GAME FACE ON!!